Description: Cryptocoryne parva, often known simply as Parva Crypt, is a diminutive yet charming aquatic plant prized for its petite size and delicate appearance. As a member of the Cryptocoryne genus within the family Araceae, this plant is native to Sri Lanka. Cryptocoryne parva is characterized by narrow, lance-shaped leaves that form compact rosettes, creating a carpet-like effect when planted in groups. Despite its small stature, this Cryptocoryne species adds a touch of elegance to aquariums, making it a popular choice for aquascaping and foreground planting.
Cryptocoryne parva’s ability to create lush carpets and its undemanding nature contribute to its appeal among both beginners and experienced aquarists.
Plant Information:
- Scientific Name: Cryptocoryne parva
- Family: Araceae
- Origin: Sri Lanka
- Difficulty Level: Easy
- Lighting Requirements: Low to Medium
- CO2 Requirement: Low to Medium
- Temperature Range: 72-82°F (22-28°C)
- pH Range: 6.0-7.5
- Propagation: Runner, division
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